7-Month Tiered-Rate CD
You’ll want to catch these rates before they fall!

Earn Up To 3.00% / 3.04% APY*
You can open this CD for as little as $2,500. Interest compounds monthly and it’s easy to add on to reach the next tier.

Earn Up To 3.50% / 3.56% APY*
Open this CD with $100,00 or more. Explore our Companion Savings account for increased flexibility.
With today’s ever-changing market, an OlyFed CD provides safety, certainty and a great savings rate for those looking to protect and grow their investments.
Act now to rake in some savings on this limited-time offer and visit one of our 8 branch locations. We look forward to seeing you soon!
**7-MONTH TIERED-RATE CD SPECIAL DISCLOSURE: Certificate has a fixed rate for term. Limited time offer. 7 month CD with an interest rate of 3.00%/3.04% APY on deposits of $2,500 to $99,999.99 and an interest rate of 3.50%/3.56% APY on deposits of $100,000 and greater. The APY’s are accurate as of October 24, 2022 and are subject to change without notice. Minimum balance to open an account is $2,500 and minimum balance to obtain stated APY is $2,500. APY assumes interest earned remains on deposit until maturity. Fees may reduce earnings. Early withdrawal penalty may apply. Limited time offer. Terms and conditions apply. See Truth in Savings and Terms & Conditions brochures for details. Member FDIC.
Pair with a Companion Savings Account
Enjoy 1.00% / 1.01% APY on Companion Deposits***
Open a Companion Savings account along with an OlyFed CD and earn a high yield on both accounts while maintaining the ideal mix of flexibility and reward.
• Earn a CD-like rate
• Easy access to funds – withdraw anytime
• No time limits
Open a Companion Savings Account
Variable rate account. Interest rate of 1.00% and 1.01% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) subject to change anytime without notice. Initial deposits into the Companion Savings Account cannot exceed the deposits into any new or renewing Certificate of Deposit (CD). Deposits into Companion Savings Accounts can only be made when a new CD is opened, a deposit is made into an existing Certificate or an existing CD account is renewed at time of maturity. Deposits must be made the same day as the deposits into the CD. Companion Savings Accounts are compatible with any CD (including IRA’s). Minimum opening deposit of $100. All balances receive the stated APY. Fees may reduce earnings and rate may change after account opening. Terms and conditions apply. See Truth in Savings disclosure for details. Transfers from this account to another account or third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone, or computer transfer are limited to six per month with no transfers by check, draft, debit card or similar order to third parties.
Banking Built Better
We believe banking should be simple, elegant, and dare we say enjoyable. We believe in keeping the fine print and fees to a minimum and creating transformational relationships built on trust, not transactional ones based on maximizing profits. Our people are incentivized to serve, not sell, and our products are crafted to do the same thing.
To us, you’re more than the balance of your bank account: Guided by our “Better Fedder” training and a compassionate and caring attitude, we nurture relationships to help you define and achieve your financial goals, which why we put people above the bottom line.
As a mutual bank, we’re accountable to you, our customers, not corporate shareholders. With our business model, you’re more than a customer, you’re a stakeholder, which means more for your wallet, for your future and for our community.
This translates to many low to no-cost product and service options. It means we’re focused on helping you get ahead with budgets, financial plans and accounts that provide safe, sustainable and meaningful ways to save.
When you bank with us, you can rest assured knowing you’re doing business with a bank that puts our local neighbors first. Each year, we donate anywhere from 10 to 15% of our profits back to the community, which totaled $465,000 in 2020! Furthermore, we foster a culture of volunteerism among our people, who happily contributed more than a thousand hours of service last year.
If you look up OlyFedder in the urban dictionary you’ll find a description of our extraordinary group of financial professionals who find joy and purpose in the meaningful work we do with our customers and community. We’re here to help you.
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