In observance of Presidents' Day we will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17. We'll reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 18.


How Do I Protect Against ID Theft?

Recently, we were made aware of a large-scale fraud ring exploiting the COVID-19 crisis to commit large-scale fraud against the state’s unemployment insurance program.

Over the course of the past couple of weeks, we have received quite a few calls from customers sharing their identities have been compromised by fraud claims through Washington’s Employment Security Department.

If you’re a customer who believes your identity has been used to make a false unemployment claim, we recommend you call us so that we can flag your bank account(s) to protect against any additional fraud. We also advise you to monitor your accounts regularly, including using CardValet to get timely transaction alerts and quickly manage controls on the use of your debit card(s).

In addition, you might consider checking your credit to ensure no credit has been authorized without your knowledge and/or permission. Another suggested best practice if your identity has been compromised is temporarily freezing your credit through the three major credit bureaus (EquifaxExperian, and TransUnion) so credit cannot be extended without your approval.

If you have questions or need support, please call us at (360) 754-3400.