In observance of Presidents' Day we will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17. We'll reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 18.

Your OlyFed

Melissa Kirkeby Named Employee of the Quarter

Olympia Federal Savings is proud to announce Melissa Kirkeby, Senior Loan Officer at the downtown Olympia branch, as Employee of the Quarter.

Kirkeby was selected for the honor because not only has she consistently been one of our top-performing loan officers with the bank, she also is dedicated to building trusting and lasting relationships with both customers and community partners. In addition, Kirkeby is a key member of the organization’s culture-building team helping to organize the bank’s quarterly employee celebration events and ongoing team building activities. She is also a regular volunteer with the South Sound YMCA and American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event.

“Melissa is an intelligent, creative and hardworking leader that’s tirelessly dedicated to the success of others,” Lori Drummond, Olympia Federal Savings President & CEO said. “She’s someone that can be counted on, whether it be a project, challenging situation or a unique customer need. We’re truly fortunate to have Melissa representing OlyFed in our branches and community.”