In observance of Presidents' Day we will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17. We'll reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 18.

Your OlyFed

Angie Williams Celebrates 10 Years with OlyFed

Congratulations to Angie Williams, Yelm Highway Branch Manager on her 10-year anniversary with OlyFed!

Angie Williams of Olympia Federal Savings in Lacey, WA

Angie joined the bank in June 2012 as a Customer Service Representative (CSR) in Tumwater and was quickly promoted to Lead CSR at the Westside branch in 2013. A year later she was promoted to Savings Counselor at the Downtown Olympia Branch.

In 2015, she moved to the Yelm Highway branch as a Universal Banker and was promoted to Assistant Branch Manager in 2016. Two years later, Angie was promoted into her current role as Branch Manager. In recognition of her ongoing stellar performance, she has been recognized with several awards for her commitment to lifelong learning, support for critical digital initiatives and for her exceptional customer service with loans.

An original and long-term member of OlyFed’s Better Fedder culture crew, Angie embodies the organization’s values and is a leader when it comes to demonstrating what it looks like to be an OlyFedder.

“Angie is an incredibly positive leader who brings a combination of fun, professionalism and a commitment to excellence to OlyFed each and every day,” Lori Drummond, President & CEO said.

The Quarterly Celebration team captains“Angie takes a sincere approach to care for our customers and her colleagues and it’s her genuine dedication to being a meaningful resource for our community that makes her a tremendous asset to OlyFed.”

In her free time, Angie is a huge Seahawks fan (#hawknation) and is a long-time season ticket holder. That love for sports carries over to cheering for sons on the baseball field. Having once worked at a veterinary clinic, Angie also has a soft spot for all animals.Angie Williams of Olympia Federal Savings in Lacey, WA

Please join us in congratulating and thanking Angie for 10 great years with OlyFed!